Day 25: A room with a view.
Early out of the monastery & took the highway to Sarria instead of the camino route. (According to the bartender where I had the nightcap with Luis Miguel and Benjamin, it was a difference of 3 km.)
In Galicia, they have each km marked with a cement block marker, ticking the distance off as you near Santiago.
I was quite excited as I would no doubt cross the 100km mark today so I walked pretty hard and determined.
In the last km before the 100th marker, I thought about everything: the stuff I had done, had been, wanted to be, who I am... I had been thinking so much before about EVERYTHING, but today, many these things flashed before me as I walked towards it.
Once again, the 100km marker itself wasn't really anything huge. Not that I was expecting some kind of fanfare, but considering its the last 100km that you are 'expected' to do, I thought there would be more of a monument or some kind of gateway. I was expecting something bigger, you know?
I got this couple to take my picture & me the same for them. And then I congratulated them on making the 100km mark with gusto!
Then somehow my adrenaline kicked in, & I booted it to Portomarin.
Stopped in one of the many the private albergues; with the BEST view of the water... Totally felt like lake area at home. *sigh*
Luis Miguel & Benjamin strolled in at almost 5:30pm & we immediately made some noise on the main street. We had a beer, before they went on to the albergue municipal, and promised to meet for wine later on that evening.
Then, as I was just finishing my beer alone, I met Sven, one half of a couple whom I've seen
on the road the last few days. He has been travelling with Julie (prounounced 'hoo-lee', possibly spelled Ullie?) and they are both from Germany.
Turns out, they just met 2 weeks ago, but looking at them walking & seeing them along the way, I would have presumed they has been together for a long time!
The camino romance is a VERY deceptive one. More on that later...
Anywhoo had dinner with the MOST awesome view, high above the water in Portomatin. It was a good day.
It was funny I was in bed already as were the many other Germans in my bunk room (it was 8:30pm, for goodness sake) & Luis Miguel comes into the albergue, *into room*, to find me!
It was nice: the three of us went for one more wine and now its REALLY late (like 11:30pm)...
By the way, I wasn't thinking, but a better choice would have been top bunk as the high window overlooks that gorgeous harbour-esque view. Still, I'm glad I didn't have to climb in at this hour!
More later! Must sleep!