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Tuesday, May 8, 2007 

Day 15: "It's a long way to the prairie..."

For the first little while I thought M was saying "It's a long way to the prairie..."
until one day I realized she was saying "It's a long way to Tipperary..."

That's what I get for being a prairie girl.

Several of us got up extra early today (5:40am) to avoid the sun later in the day.

I walked behind three steps to Mariette's two for about 23km and after our lunch break, I had to flip back to my own pace for the last 9km.

M walks about 6km/hr consistenly. She compensated for me, which meant we were doing 5 or 5.5 km/hr. for the first leg today. (I think I can do 4km/hr on my own except when I
get to the end of my day.) But today we went far again, & so I guess I'm doing ok.

[The wound on] my right knee keeps breaking, so it's still not completely healed. It was scabbing over, but walking makes irritated I think.

Today we are in Terradillos de Templarios, I'm down to my last 20 euros, which means I have enough for maybe one night, two if I miss dinner tomorrow.

I met Henning from Germany at the albergue... He lit his cigarettes by focusing the sunlight through his coke bottle glasses. He seems a bit lonely, & u can tell like the rest the Camino is emotional for him with every step.

I'm sure it is with everyone, but with Henning, it was on his sleeve when he talked with me.

Long day again tomorrow...

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