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Thursday, June 21, 2007 

Happy Camino Anniversary!

It has been exactly one month since I finished the camino in Santiago de Compostela.

I celebrated by getting inked:

(yup, that's right, it's a tattoo)

Apparently there aren't too many camino tattoos. Or so far I haven't heard of or seen any so far.

It's understandable that the camino is something that stays in your heart and in your soul, and the need for some physical representation is unnecessary.

But this was something I wanted very much to do from the beginning of my journey, as it would mark a very important year for me, and be my reminder of my accomplishment and experience.

Congratulations & blessings to all the pilgrims before me and to those after me on completing the camino! Ultrea!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 


Click on the photo to scroll through. You can also see a larger-sized version of the slideshow here

You can see the whole set at a glance on flickr here & a GREAT BIG slideshow here.

Lots of choices, I know, but all the same pics.

Saturday, June 2, 2007 

These are the pilgrims I know I know

Therese - Brandtford, ON, Canada (on the plane to Biarritz)
Carol - Wellington, New Zealand (@ Bayonne)
Vivian - Chillingham (?), U.K. (@ Bayonne)
Ron & Sandy - NB & NS, Canada
Mariette & Marlou - Holland
Shawn - OC, California, USA
Ilyea - Germany (@ Roncesvalles)
In Mor, Ng Yeung, Wan Jou - Korea
Chun Yen - Korea
Josef - Holland (hospitalero @ Roncesvalles)
Wolf - Seattle, WA, USA (on the way to Zubiri)
Bernadette & Justine - France
Ilse & ?? - Austria
Joan - Calgary, Canada
Andy - Germany (@ Zubiri)
Jesse - California, USA
Tim - Texas (now California, USA)
Vanessa - Brasil
Verna, Horst - Germany (@ Puente la Reina)
Therese, Hughette, Roland - France (first @Puente la Reina)
Petra - Germany (first @ Villamajor de Monjardin)
Ekain - Basque
Dick & Mary - Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA (@ Viana)
John & Gen - Australia (@ Viana)
Pieka & Dettie - Freyslan (@ Viana)
Marijette & Gelhda - Holland (@ Viana)
Juanita, John, & ?? - London, U.K. (@ Navarette)
Sarah - Finland (@ Azofra)
Heather - Australia (@ Redicilla)
Angel - Brasil (first @ Roncesvalles but officially intro'd @ Villafranca Montes de Oca)
Miklos - Hungary (@ Cardeñuela Riopico)
Jean-Jacques - France (@ Rabe de la Calzada)
Jean-Pierre - France (officially intro @ Rabe and saw him until the end)
Isabella - Madrid (hospitalero @ Castrojeriz)
Cheryl - Australia
Daniella - Germany
Kordie - Germany
Denise & Kelly - Regina, SK, Canada (first @ Villacazar de Sirga)
Andrea - Germany (Munich, Bavaria...?)
Monique - Holland (actually at St Jean, but officially intro'd @ Villacazar de Sirga)
Henning - Germany (@ Terradillos de los Templarios)
Handsome Carl - Austria (we called him Carlos, he sort of looked like a prettier Ben Gazzara)
Don & Ann - PEI, Canada
Kirsti - Finland (@ El Burgo Ranero)
Amena - Holland
Richard, Alex, & Hartmut - Germany (@ Leon)
Marianne - Germany (@ Leon)
Jacques - Montreal, QC, Canada (@ León
Marcello (Brasil), Antonio (Espana), Giovanni (Italy) (first seen @ Hospital de Orbigo, intro'd @ Santa Catalina de Somoza)
Denise - France (@ Santa Catalina...)
Renate - Germany
Irene - Vancouver (@ Molineseca)
Seyyet - Germany (originally from Turkey, @ O Cebreiro)
Jean-Francois - France
Jim & Ann - Sarnia, ON, Canada (@ O Cebreiro)
Brigitte - Germany (originally gave me antisceptic for my knee in Redecilla, intro'd @ O Cebreiro)
Luis Miguel - Avila (intro'd @ O Cebreiro first seen around Molineseca)
Benjamin - Burgos/Madrid?
Sven & Ulli - Germany (intro'd @ Portomarin)
Dettja ('det-cha') & Joké (yo-kay) - Holland (@ Melide)
Dorothee (Dodo) - Germany
Christiane - Germany
Mariette - Hungary
Linda - Berlin, Germany (seen first coming down from Cruz de Ferro, intro'd @ Finisterre, last pilgrim I saw and talked before leaving Spain and in London Airport)


Pick a day...

This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called camino lola. Make your own badge here.