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Saturday, May 12, 2007 

Day 18: And then, Lola rested

I forgot to mention, that day 17 I walked another 38km to Leon. I promised that I would pamper myself if I made the 38km by finding a hotel.

Well, I made it & instead of spending it in another albergue I decided to take a hostal instead. M (who now refers to herself as my camino mother) joined me and we had some comfortable beds a private bathroom with hot water... you have NO idea how this is pure luxury.

In León, we went to an Indian restaurant [Restaurante Tajmahal] & had the best food. It was amazing. We went both nights because just having anything other than the menu del peregrino was very welcome.

Tonight was even more "International" as we had 5 Canadians (SK, QC, ON, & MB), 3 Germans, & of course M from Holland at the table.

It's super late now (I'm totally not on albergue time, so its past 11pm already!) as I write this, so I'm keeping it short...

I'm really glad I took the day off in León. I felt more human again, & it was really fun hanging out with Mariette.

It was fantastic... a great night.

I have a feeling that M & I will part ways tonight, but I know we will keep in touch.

Good night, more stories tomorrow!

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