Day 14: It pays to walk a little, or a LOT further...
I started very early from the albergue, about 6:30am, with pretty much nothing in my stomach (no dinner last night, & no brekkie.) Cheryl, the sweet Aussie also kisses me on both cheeks & and wishes me "Buen camino, you beautiful, beautiful girl." I can't tell you how emotional these little blessings are. They are so unexpected and beautiful, and they reverberate in my mind as I walk in the morning.
It was a steep walk up to the Alto de Mostelares and then a very easy walk through the next few villages. I didn't stop except at a fountain to refill water, and was making my slow "end" trudge just outside Frómista. Usually the last hour I plug into my iPod, & my pace is half that of when I start.
About a few minutes in, there are 2 people behind me, I turn around and who is it but Mariette (one of the M&Ms!) and a Belgian fellow. Turns out, Marlou is injured & had to take the bus from Burgos to Léon & would stay to wait for Mariette. But just as Mariette was calling my name, Marlou called to say she will have to go home & would take the train tomorrow night from León.
When Mariette caught up with me, I was estatic. I knew I would see M&M again! My step picked up immediately & I went as fast as I start in the morning. Mariette has pushed me to complete 38km (she says it was 40) today!!! Which means I am ahead again by maybe a day & a half now!
But, alas, I am sad for Marlou, as she will not finish her journey yet.
We'll see what tomorrow brings...