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Thursday, May 31, 2007 

CBCR3 just keeps on giving...

A photo I took of Kelly's (of Denise & Kelly, Regina, SK) boots at Finisterre made it onto the CBCR3 website today (http://radio3.cbc.ca/)

(Before I started the camino, I had written into CBCR3 for their 100th podcast contest, and ended up winning some swag from them. When I got back, I wrote to thank them and sent them a few photos, and they decided to use one for the background on their website.)

It was truly surreal to start from day one and listen to Grant Lawrence and the CBCR3 crew along the way (I listened to all 100 podcasts that I had from CBCR3 during this whole trek.) It made for this unique Canadian soundtrack when during a long day of walking.

Will be updating these posts with photos in the next little while - they'll be up as fast as I can upload them...

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