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Wednesday, August 1, 2007 

Camino footsteps

So it's already been just over TWO months since arriving in Santiago.

In the last month, the tatt has healed up nicely, and I've been able to connect with a few fellow pilgrims via email, and even got to see Denise & Kelly in person while they were in town at the beginning of July!

Still keeping up with the walking. I haven't been able to force myself to walk during the work day (as many things seem to interrupt or deter me from being able to walk in the afternoon like I would like) so I have taken to getting up at around 6:30 am and walking along the river or to a café for a quick coffee and muffin, and then walk back. It only takes half an hour to an hour (depending on where I go) back and forth, but it is very calming.

Then on the weekends I've been walking to mum's which is about 10 km. I haven't been doing the full 20km like I want to in the last two weeks, because mum & I end up going out for brekkie, but I will have to start do the 10 km back home soon. It might be even better when it cools down.

The best part about the walking though is that I am not in a rush anymore and I enjoy walking leisurely. This is something very different from how I viewed walking before - like a project. Now it is more like a gift to myself and I look forward to it every morning.

I've tried really hard to hold onto that feeling of invincibility - the thought of being able to conquer anything that comes my way. It's not been easy, to stay open and relaxed about life, but when it comes down to it, real life is definitely different from camino life.

Whatever the case maybe, all I can do is keep walking.

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