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Wednesday, April 25, 2007 

Day Number: 2, Number of Items Lost: 1

Everything seems to revolve around numbers... the number of kilometres to the next stop, the number of beds in an albergue, the number of euros it costs for food, the number of steps before I need to call it a day...

So this morning, I lost my first personal item, the QuickPod that I had brought (the little rod that I could attach to my camera and try to take decent pix of myself?) Totally unnecessary, so I wasn´t too disappointed with the loss. However, even stranger was that just shortly before I found that the QuickPod was missing, a guy from California in the refugio came and found me and told me he had my camera. I had been waiting downstairs for a phone call and totally left it behind... I didn´t even know it was missing until he found me still half asleep in my bunk.

This brings about an important lesson for the day. If an item is not securely attached to my person, or is not zipped up or attached on the pack that attached to my person, it will likely not stay long with me.

I only obsessed about the QuickPod for the first half hour today (this would be an improvement, I promise you.)

Stopped early in Zubiri which a nice little place. My feet REALLY hurt during the last bit of the walk today, so I´m stopping after the 21 km and will do the 26km to Pamplona tomorrow.

I hope to find a pocket knife and a bota here...

***photo of a glass of pancharán (fortified liquer made from cloes, anise, and sugar...) at the local bar run by the same family who owned the private albergue I stayed in at Zubiri.

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